


吉隆坡7月27日讯:马来西亚-中国企业家联合会总会长拿督李中平今日受邀出席首相安华“昌明大马 强化人民”活动推介礼,与首相及多位内阁部长密切交流。

推介礼于上午9 时在国家证券中心举行,多位内阁部长和副部长、知名华商及政商领袖受邀出席。


Kuala Lumpur July 27 - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim launched “MADANI Economy: Empowering the People” which  will steer the economy to safeguard the country’s future.

The launch was held at the Securities Commission’s headquarters at 9 am . Most of the cabinet ministers and deputy ministers, renowned Business association leaders were invited including PUCM President Dato' Keith Li.

Dato' Keith li had a good communication with Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and some ministers including Foreign Minister DATO’ SERI DIRAJA DR. ZAMBRY ABD KADIR, Communications and Digital Minister YB Ahmad Fahmi bin Mohamed FadzilMinister of Science, Technology and Innovation YB Chang Lih Kang and Deputy Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry YB Liew Chin Tong.

View more about 总会长拿督李中平出席首相安华“昌明经济”推介礼 on main site